We are immensely proud to have participated in startup contests for Digital Innovation. These competitions have allowed us to showcase our innovative ideas and solutions, connect with like-minded individuals, and ultimately drive progress in the digital landscape. Our participation in these contests underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and making a meaningful impact on the world around us.
Our Story
Over the Years
February 2020
Italian Startups Registry validation

Mise (Italian Minister for Economical Development)
March 2020
Arca Incubator Listing

Arca Incubator (University of Palermo Spin-off) is a consortium for the application of research and the creation of innovative enterprises, which has been active since 2003 and has exploited a partnership between the University of Palermo and a private entrepreneurial group committed to industrial research and technological transfer.
April 2020
eitHealth Listing

Our system Thermocurtain, capable to automate clean path and red path of Healhcare providers was listed to give an effective solution to control spreading of Covid-19 pandemic
June 2020
Melecon 2020 – 2nd Place

MELECON 2020 is an international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies.
Our 2nd place at final stage convinced us that we where on the right path in order to receive funds from institutions and private investor.
October 2020
Startcup Sicilia – Finals Qualification

Startcup Sicilia is a regional competition between startup that are incubated inside Arca Incubator services
November 2020
Pni Cube – Finals

National Award for Innovation 2020
The 18th edition of the National Innovation Award was held online for the first time in two days: Monday 30 November and Friday 4 December.
The PNI 2020 was organized by the University of Bologna and Almacube, an incubator of the University and of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro.
September 2021
BIAT 2021

The Innovation and High Technology Exchange is part of the four-year promotion and training program financed with funds from the National Operational Program for Enterprises and Competitiveness 2014> 2020 ERDF (PONIC) of which the ICE Agency is the implementing body.

Quotidiano Di Sicilia
Palermo Parla
Università Degli Studi Di Palermo